🖥️Porject Info

A simple template for building a beautiful discord bot with nextcord.Here I have also implemented the buttons and select menus along with slash commands. This project is under progress so you have to

  1. Added MongoDB databse for saving bot data (eg:- bot prefix).

  2. Added Listeners and added a ot of custome bot customization.

  3. Dynamic help command with buttons.

  4. Added sub-commands examples in __sub-command.py.

  5. Added some commands related to the stats of the bot.

  6. Added some commands to send channel stats, to create or delete channels.

  7. Added a cog handler.

  8. Added configuration cog.

  9. Added ping and eval command.

  10. Added fun commands.

  11. Added msuic cog.

  12. Added utility cog.

  13. Added suggestion cog.

  14. Added slash commands.

  15. Added games like tictactoe and wordle.

  16. Added new discord activities.

Step 1

Run git clone https://github.com/abindent/Nextcord-Utility-Bot.git this command to our terminal for cloning this repo.

Step 2

Add an env file (e.g. : .env, .env.developement, etc.) and add the following things. (exclude 1 and 2)

BOT_TOKEN=<Your bot's token>
MONGO_URI=<connection string to your mongodb collection>
JOKE_API=<rapidapi key>
secret_id=<random hard to guess string>    

Step 3

Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt and run python bot/bot.py in your local machine.


  1. aiohttp==3.8.1

  2. algoliasearch==2.6.1

  3. dnspython==2.2.0

  4. humanfriendly==10.0

  5. motor==2.5.1

  6. nextcord==2.0.0a10

  7. nextcord-ext-activities==2022.3.14

  8. nextcord-ext-ipc==2.2.1

  9. nextcord-ext-menus==1.5.2

  10. parsedatetime==2.6 psutil==5.9.0

  11. pymongo==3.12.3

  12. PyNaCl==1.5.0

  13. pyparsing==3.0.7

  14. python-dotenv==0.19.2

  15. quickchart.io==1.0.1

  16. rapidfuzz==2.0.6

  17. requests==2.27.1

  18. requests-toolbelt==0.9.1

  19. typing_extensions==4.0.1

  20. TagScriptEngine==2.3.0

  21. urllib3==1.26.8

  22. nextwave==1.0.0a1

  23. nextcordUtils==1.0

Last updated